14 Jun 2023 Calls

Draft topic texts for IHI calls 4 and 5 published

The launch of call 4 (two-stage) and call 5 (single-stage) is planned in the coming weeks. The draft topics have been published ahead of the call launch to give you extra time to prepare your proposal and form your consortium.

The following topics are under consideration for inclusion in the next IHI call for proposals, which we plan to launch in summer 2023. IHI is publishing the draft topic texts in advance of the official call launch to give potential applicants additional time to start building a consortium and drafting a proposal.


IHI call 4 (two-stage call)

Note that the draft topics on translational knowledge in minipigs and patient-centric blood collection have been modified slightly compared to the versions published on this page previously.

IHI call 5 (single-stage call)

Note that the topics are currently under consultation with the States’ Representatives Group and Science and Innovation Panel. They may therefore change considerably between the versions published here and the call launch, and applicants should check the final, approved topic texts once the calls are launched.

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