BNN on site
21 Jun 2023 - 21 Jun 2023 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Berlin, Germany

6th EU-Asia Dialogue on NanoSafety

We are happy to invite you to the 6th EU-Asia Dialogue on NanoSafety, which will be held on 21st of June 2023 in Berlin, Germany.

The “international network initiative on safe and sustainable nanotechnology” (INISS-nano) is focussing on the collaboration in different fields pertaining to nanotechnology research in general and nano-safety research in particular. This shall  include collaboration in terms of e.g., training, standardisation efforts, test-guidelines development, metrology, commercialisation, ethical aspects, responsible science and research, sustainability, and joint research, supporting governance, regulatory guidance, and of course being open for further joint working items.

The underlying concept paper (Falk et al. 2022: ) which is a revision of the first version (published in June 2021), shows descriptions and an action plan for each of these pillars:

  • Harmonization
  • Support industrial understanding
  • Sharing / facilitate sharing of resources / infrastructures
  • International collaboration on ethical and societal aspects of nanotechnology


INISS-nano with the EU NanoSafetyCluster, the Asia Nano Forum and a local host, are co-organizing the annual “EU-Asia-Dialogue on NanoSafety”, a globally open communication event. Within this event, the progress of the actions planned in the INISS-nano-initiative is discussed, and further plans are made around a specific topic, which is put in the focus of the dialogue. For the 6th Edition of the EU-Asia-Dialogue, the following topic was selected: “The role of characterisation and how it is addressed in INISS-nano”.

Click here for the AGENDA

Please note: the event will be held as physical meeting only. In June, many events will take place in Berlin, such as the Special Olympics (17th to 25th June 2023), so we expect a high demand for the central hotels. Conference participants are therefore requested to book their accommodation early. Please find a list of some hotels, which are located near the venue of the International Conference (there are more):


Registration is already closed.

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