Building the Foundation: Interlaboratory Comparisons and Reference Products for Advanced Materials
Advanced materials, such as nanomaterials, 2D materials, or thin films, play a crucial role in driving economic development and addressing major challenges in the coming years. These challenges include mitigating the impact of climate change, advancing lightweight engineering, enhancing catalysis, and improving medical applications.
To comprehend the performance of these materials and ensure their acceptance across various sectors as safe and sustainable for both humans and the environment, the availability of reference procedures, materials, and data is essential. One versatile tool for establishing such references and evaluating the proficiency of individual laboratories and their competencies is through (international) interlaboratory comparisons (ILC). Notably, initiatives like the Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS) provide a platform for conducting ILCs.
This webinar will showcase various examples of interlaboratory comparisons, illustrating their impact on the development of reference products.
Supported by INISS-Nano, EU NanoSafetyCluster (NSC), and the GrapheneFlagship Initiative