Accounting for ecotoxicity in LCAs and SSbD: ProScaleE – an enabling method for meeting forthcoming regulatory requirements
At this webinar, you will learn how to assess the ecotoxicological potentials of product systems. Discover how the ProScaleE method can assist you to identify ecotoxicological hot spots and reduce environmental hazards and exposures in your products’ life cycles while meeting existing and forthcoming regulatory requirements for safe and sustainable chemical use. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the game in environmental product assessment!
This webinar is aimed at professionals working in the field of product stewardship, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Risk Assessment (RA). It will introduce the ProScaleE method, i.e. the ecotoxicity assessment module of ProScale, a life cycle-oriented approach for assessing the toxicological potential of product systems.
The presentation will focus on the increasing demand for information on the human toxicity and ecotoxicity aspects of products beyond the current regulatory requirements for chemicals. ProScaleE aims to provide an easy-to-use method to calculate aggregated ecotoxicity potentials for chemicals and products along their life cycle, based on a consolidated environmental exposure and ecotoxicity scoring model, derived from REACH-based data. The approach allows for a performance-based indicator that can be applied and communicated within LCAs, Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) assessments, Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and Product Environmental Footprints (PEFs), and further on in the Construction Product Regulation (CPR) and Eco-design for Products Regulation (ESPR). ProScale can also help address the future requirements of the EU Digital Product Passport (DPP).
As with the ProScale module previously developed to provide a direct exposure human toxicity potential, ProScaleE is designed to be science-based, transparent, pragmatic, and generally applicable. The ProScale consortium developed the two methods to assess the relevant human toxicity and ecotoxicity potentials along the whole life cycle, use existing REACH-based data, and allow comparison in relation to technical performance.
The webinar will provide an overview of the ProScaleE scoring method and its key features. The scoring system considers the exposure potential of product ingredients and components in each specific life cycle stage, and applies life cycle thinking to address not only the use stage but also the precursors, production, application, and end-of-life stages. The webinar will be of great interest to professionals in life cycle assessment and risk assessment who are seeking a straight-forward methodology for assessing the ecotoxicological potentials of products and production systems from a life cycle perspective.
Meeting link
A meeting link will be distributed to registered participants 2-3 weeks before the event.
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