11 Jan 2022 Updates

Report on Evaluation of Horizon 2020 Focus Area approach available

Opportunities and challenges in targeted funding of Research and Innovation

The European Commission has published a report on lessons learnt from the Horizon 2020

Focus Areas and implications for the Horizon Europe Missions. The Focus Areas approach was a key novelty of Horizon 2020. A central feature of this approach was to stimulate the production of knowledge and technology within and across areas that are crucial to tackling issues such as change, the transition to more sustainable use of resources, the digitalisation of services and industrial processes, and security-related threats.

According to the report, the Focus Areas succeeded in creating a greater internal awareness of each other and building up experience with the organisation of exchange between beneficiaries. Increasing the R&D ambitions, Horizon Europe Missions could learn from the Focus Area experiences: the need for a strong internal mandate to align project results and executive action; the possible incompatibilities between economic and environmental objectives; and the role of social sciences and humanities in solving societal challenges.

The Report can be downloaded here: Opportunities and Challenges in Targeted Funding of Research and Innovation