Dear Stakeholder,
The European Commission invites you to the online technical workshop on “Reducing Dependencies on Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) with Advanced Materials (AM)” in the mobility, construction, and electronics sectors, taking place on 25 February 2025 from 9:30 to 13:00h CET.
Project Context
The European Commission’s Communication on Advanced Materials for Industrial Leadership (COM(2024) 98 final) outlines 14 key actions to drive innovation and competitiveness in Europe. One of these actions is to identify the research and innovation needed to reduce dependencies on CRMs by developing alternative Advanced Materials.
To achieve this goal, EU Joint Research Centre (JRC) is leading an in-depth study focusing on mobility, construction, and electronics. Interactions are envisaged with the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan Task force on circularity and materials. This JRC-led study will run until April 2026 and has the following objectives:
- Analyse Critical Raw Materials and Advanced Materials usage in these sectors, including in their supply and value chains.
- Identify advanced material options that may reduce or eliminate CRM dependencies.
- Define research and innovation needed to help develop and deploy these options.
- Disseminate findings via the EC’s Raw Materials Information System (RMIS).
Workshop Objectives
This workshop supports Objective 1 of the study, focusing on a detailed analysis of CRM and AM usage in the identified value chains and updating on the outcomes of the SET Plan activities for the Energy sector.
The technical workshop will focus on addressing the following key question:
- What critical raw materials (CRMs) and advanced materials (AMs) are required for key technologies in the mobility, construction, and electronics sectors, and where are they being used?
Draft Agenda (Date: 25 February 2025)
09:30 | DG RTD – DG JRC | Welcome and introduction |
09:50 | DG JRC | Presentation of the project “R&I needs to reduce dependencies on CRM with AdMat” |
10:10 | DG JRC (Mobility) | Focus areas of CRM use in the value chain “Mobility” |
10:50 | DG JRC (Construction) | Focus areas of CRM use in the value chain “Construction” |
11:30 | Break | |
11:40 | DG JRC (Electronics) | Focus areas of CRM use in the value chain “Electronics” |
12:20 | DG JRC (Energy) | Outcomes of the JRC report on the “Energy Sector” |
12:50 | DG JRC | Next steps/written input |
Following the workshop, one report per sector will be produced, providing a comprehensive analysis of CRM and AM usage in mobility, construction and electronics. These reports will form the basis for the next phase of the study, which will focus on investigating potential advanced material innovation options that can reduce CRM dependencies.
How to Register
To secure your spot and actively contribute in the discussion, please register using the following link and pre-workshop survey: EUSurvey Link by 14 February 2025. A confirmation email will be sent a few working days before the workshop, including the meeting link and workshop materials that will be sent via email (participants are expected to be familiar with these materials before the workshop).
Please note that, as part of the registration process, in the EU Survey you are asked to provide some preliminary input to help us tailor the workshop discussions to your needs and expertise; as well as to provide follow-up. This will enable us to create a more engaging and productive discussion before and after the workshop.
A post-workshop written consultation period of 2 weeks for further input will then follow. You will receive further details in due time.
N.B. All information is also available on the dedicated pages in the RMIS.
If you have any questions, require assistance with the registration process, or want to share relevant reports, links, etc., then please do not hesitate to contact us at
We look forward to your participation and valuable contributions to this important workshop!
European Commission: DG JRC – DG RTD
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